About Us

Honolulu Catch is an online retailer of high-quality and super fresh fish and seafood from Hawaii. Fresh sea products from Alaska and the Pacific Northwest are available here too in order to provide you with a full selection.

Our facility is located in Seattle, WA and it gives us incredible access to the best fish and seafood in the world. Fish from the North Pacific, the South Pacific, and the Pacific Northwest is consolidated, cut, and then shipped out of our facility with speed.

Our people are passionate about quality and freshness, so time-to-market is a big concern of ours. Fresh product is quality inspected, filleted, portioned, packed, and shipped back out to you the same day it enters our facility. Freshness also depends upon other factors like temperature control, catch origin, catch method, and seasonality so our years of experience and connections allow us to buy and transport product intelligently and efficiently.

Our stance on sustainability is simple: Support the environmentally responsible commercial fishermen because their voice is loud, meaningful, and is a powerful grass-roots change agent. The renewability of our global fisheries depends upon the partnership between the commercial fisherman and environmental groups focusing on sustainable fishing. The goal of these two parties is the same – to bring in money and to preserve our oceans. The best strategic partner for both governments and NGO's is the commercial fisherman who has the most at stake and the greatest ability to produce long-lasting social change towards maintaining healthy oceans and sustainable fisheries.